AWS With Devops Syllabus

Duration : 3 Months

Study Type : Full Time

Classes : Offline & Online

100% Placement Assistance

Job Oriented Training

Step by step training

Daily Assignments
AWS With Devops Syllabus
1. AWS Account creation, Virtual Machines, Linux Demo, Launching Instances
2. Putty & Gitbash installation and connection with AWS instances
3. Linux Basic Commands (touch, mkdir, ls, cat etc.,)
4. Copy and Move commands.
5. vi editor, package management
6. User and group management, File permissions, grep filter
7. ssh, scp, disk usage, etc.,
8. Linux task
9. Mock-Interview – 1

1. Git Introduction, Difference between Git and SVN, Git architecture & Github
2. Github repository creation, Git basic commands (clone, pull, add, commit,
3. Git Forking, git branching, git merging, conflicts & git logs
4. Github pages, git tags
5. Git stash, git rebase vs merging
6. Git task
7. Mock-Interview-2
1. Maven Introduction, Difference between maven and ant,
2. Maven Lifecycles Maven archetype generate, maven goals, what is pom.xml file?
3. Jenkins Introduction, Jenkins Architecture, Jenkins Installation
4. Jenkins Job creation, Jenkins Plugin management
5. Maven job creation, build triggers
6. Jenkins master and slave configuration
7. Jenkins & Maven task
8. Mock-Interview-3

Week 4
1. Tomcat Introduction, Installation, manual deployment
2. Jenkins CICD Automation in tomcat environment, Jenkins pipeline script
3. Jenkins user management, Jenkins Email configuration
4. Docker Introduction, docker architecture, docker advantages
5. Introduction to docker hub, container creation, docker image creation
6. Jenkins task
7. Mock-Interview-4
Week 5
1. AWS Account creation, Virtual Machines, Linux Demo, Launching Instances
2. Putty & Gitbash installation and connection with AWS instances
3. Linux Basic Commands (touch, mkdir, ls, cat etc.,)
4. Copy and Move commands.
5. vi editor, package management
6. User and group management, File permissions, grep filter
7. ssh, scp, disk usage, etc.,
8. Linux task
9. Mock-Interview – 1

Week 6
1. Dockerfile
2. Containers linking, docker volumes
3. Docker Networks, Docker-compose
4. Docker swarm
5. Kubernetes Introduction, architecture, difference between docker swarm and
6. Kubernetes installation, k8s objects with commands
7. Docker task
8. Mock-interview-5
Week 7
1. AWS Introduction, EC2, Billing dashboard
2. Pricing calculator, AWS Volumes, snapshots, AMI
3. S3, Cross-region replication, static webhosting
4. VPC & subnets
5. IAM, EC2 and S3 integration
7. AWS task-1
8. Mock-interview-7